Cold Weather Roof Care Guide

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Avoid San Francisco Roofing Issues With these Tips

Winter is on the way, and it will bring numerous elements that can place stress on Bay Area commercial roofing. The good news is that by following the steps below, you can care for your facility’s roof and keep it in good condition throughout the harshest of seasons.

Prioritize Inspections

Inspections are an important line of defense against roof damage. Travelers Insurance, for instance, recommends having your commercial roof inspected twice annually, with one inspection in the spring and another in the fall. It’s good to have a San Francisco roofing company perform inspections at those times for these reasons: In the spring, an inspection can identify lingering damage from the previous winter, and in the fall, it can identify needed preventative maintenance.

Responding to Harsh Weather

While regular, twice-yearly inspections are indeed key for keeping San Francisco commercial roofing in good shape, they’re not the only step needed for success. For example, a harsh storm may call for an additional inspection. Strong gusts of wind may tear roofing materials off, which in turn will only make the remaining materials more vulnerable to damage. Temperature swings can also damage a roof over time.

Be on the Lookout for Warning Signs

During winter, there are several warning signs that may signal your roof is in trouble. Those include the following.

Blocked roof drains can prevent water from escaping your roof. That’s a problem in any season, but during winter, undrained water can build up and freeze, accumulating a large amount of weight over time.
Icicles that hang from gutters are a sign of ice dams. They can contribute to the aforementioned problem of insufficient drainage. Additionally, ice dams can cause damage by themselves, in the form of harm to eaves, shingles, and other roof system components.
Snow buildup on a roof can become extremely heavy. Take steps to remove snow as soon as it is possible to do so safely.
On the inside of the building, watch out for leaks, and call a professional immediately if you notice any.

The Best Bay Area Roofing Company for The Job

To come up with a personalized winter care plan for your facility, don’t hesitate to work with a roofing company. Professionals can take your roof’s age, needs, and other factors into account, setting it up for a successful winter season. Ben’s Roofing, a San Francisco commercial roofing company, has consistently gained a reputation for being among the leading Bay Area industrial roofing companies. Get in touch by contacting us through our website here.

The post Cold Weather Roof Care Guide first appeared on Ben's Roofing.

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